Happiness: Want to change your life? Expand your awareness, grow your Consciousness.

Dear Radiant Readers, As the beautiful words of a profoundly spiritual scientist Albert Einstein say below, everything is Energy. You are energy, your world and life are energy, everything you touch, see and feel is energy. Why is that important? Because Focused energy, or Consciousness, has a power to change energy around. Therefore, you have … More Happiness: Want to change your life? Expand your awareness, grow your Consciousness.

Salvestrols in food: amazing nutrients that naturally kill cancer cells. How to get more of them in our diets.

SALVESTROLS naturally destroy cancerous cells. Modern plants no longer contain good amounts of salvestrols, even though they should! Read on to find out why and to see which plants are still likely to have good amounts of them today. What they do: These amazing plant compounds destroy unhealthy cells – including cancer cells. They get … More Salvestrols in food: amazing nutrients that naturally kill cancer cells. How to get more of them in our diets.

Welcome, Radiant readers! : )

Dear Radiant Readers, welcome to the new blog on how you can get even more radiantly healthy, beautiful, energetic and balanced! Here I’ll be sharing my simple tried-and-tested tips on radiant beauty; radiance-boosting exercise and nutrition; music, art, videos and thoughts that uplift, inspire and heal. Coming soon: “Radiant Tip of the week”, “Radiance-boosting foods: … More Welcome, Radiant readers! : )